Thursday, March 19, 2009

This is Hannah , Today we said good bye to Paul and all are friends. We took lots of pictures and got into the waiting taxi. We stuffed all are big suitcases in and off we went. Soon we got to Leah's orphanage and talked with the owners. We walked in to a screaming room of kids. But it's so funny because a little boy ran to us saying hey and so excited. Leah was very shy at first she stayed by the nannys. We sang different songs and a little boy named Brett came to me and sat in my lap. He played with my hair and necklace. One of the nannys tried to get Leah to dance with me to got her out of her shell. So I sat Brett into my moms lap and went to go dance. She danced for a little bit then got scared. Right when she got scared Brett crawed to me and want to be picked up. So I danced with him and then we walked back to are seat. All of the kids went outside to play and blow bubbles. I blew bubbles with Julia and every time a bubble popped she laugh. Leah soon got out of her shell and handed people little baby bunnies. They have a goat and over 10 adult and 30 baby rabbits. All of us had fun outside. A lot of the kids have foster familys so they left before lunch. We were all hungry so we went to go eat lunch. Leah sat buy use and was out of her shell. She asked for the food she wanted and gave use some dumplings. We were going to there factory were they my models out of clay. Leah held me and James hand on the way there. She was very fasinated in the models and it was very funny. We played outside for one last time and then sayed are goodbyes.


  1. Great job posting Hannah! I'm so glad it didn't take Leah Hope too long to come out of her shell. Now that she has finally met y'all I know she's got to be sooooo excited. We're praying that everything goes smoothly with all of the details over the next few days. Can't wait until you get back. Oh and just fyi......Easter lunch is at our house ;0)Love for Leah, Hugs for Hannah and Kisses for my James! I love you to "Mom" and "Dad"

  2. What a blessing! I'm glad to see Leah Hope warmed right up. Sounds like our son was very interested in you.
    The Bolton Family

  3. Hannah, you will be the best big sister I have ever seen. You have a wonderful way with them, and that my dear I saw when you were with Ella and Mara. She is lucky to have you. I love reading from you all, keep us informed! XXOO Jason, Krista, Ella and Mara...
